Harley about 1:46 in discovers Frosty LOL

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cherry Eye

Here it is and it wasn't pretty.....This was Harley at about 4 mths ( I think I'll have to chek the vet records)

Cherry Eye is a common health issue perhaps in excellent breeders this does not occur I'm not sure but my poor puppy got it.  So he went to our good vet got the surgery and it has been fine ever since.  Of course that was $500 later.  I don't think there are too many options when your dog gets cherry eye other than surgery.  I did pray however over his other eye I believe in prayer and he has been fine. Let me know any other things you have learned regarding cherry eye!

Food and My Bulldog

I feed Harley Natural Balance from Petsmart.  It is the allergy free version.  I also add water to his dry dog food because he inhales it and I find that helpful so he doesn't choke himself LOL.  Some dog foods have lots of fillers of course natural is more expensive I know there are lots of great dog foods available and Harley seems to really love this one. Feel free to share what you have learned about nutrition for bulldogs!

Cysts Between Toes

So Again one minute Harley is normal next he has a big bump between his toes.....Again why you need a good vet. I studied online and found that you soak their feet in Epsom salt which we did...he hated that and then these cysts are from fungal infections (or so I've read) I sprayed Tinactin on Harley's foot once a day in three days it shrunk to almost nothing. One vet said oh nothing but surgery will help those...my good vet said of course Tinactin will help it's an anti fungal. I didn't need to be told I saw the results with my own eyes.

English Bulldog Swollen Lymph Nodes was not cancer

This is Harley our English Bulldog. I love him very much and this is why I started this blog. I'm not a vet so please know any advice you take I am not responsible for. I am just a pet owner and this is my experience with my own bulldog.

Most important for you get a vet that has lots of experience with the breed! I would contact a local bulldog club or very reputable breeder and find out who they take their pet to. This will save you hundreds in mis diagnosis.....here is our latest example.

I'll add more pics later but one minute Harley was fine next minute his whole face was swollen and it looked like he had a tennis ball hanging from his neck. Our vet was gone so I took him up the street to the vet who sees bulldogs on our side of town....he didn't know what he was doing. He told us he was sure it was a bug bite...I wasn't so sure....gave him a cortisone shot and benadryl...5 minutes in his office cost $150.

Next day poor Harley was no better thank God our good vet was in brought Harley down and immediately he said he probably has blockage of his salivary glands this is caused by trauma or them eating a stick or rock....which Harley does lots. He kept him overnight and drained it and put him on medicine for a week and Harley is almost totally better! So get a good vet there are lots of health issues as all of us bulldog owners know but having the right one will help you so much!